Friday, June 27, 2014

Missing Tele-bears and Other Things

Well, I've finally enrolled in classes.
I have no idea if they're the right classes, or even what times they're at, but I picked four classes with cool names and am enrolled for the time being.
I've got "Conservation," which promises to be relatively broad thanks to the title, "Australia's Marine Environment," a class that is geared to international oceanography kids like myself, "International Conservation Policy," and "Marine and Coastal Environmental Protection," which I am most excited for.
The enrollment process at the University of Queensland is so confusing! I never thought I'd wish for the combination of Tele-bears, Schedule Builder, and an appointment time that undoubtedly falls right during your Bio 1A lab, but damn, it's easier than UQ's system. Here's hoping my cool new student orientation once I get into Brisbane will help us out with all that business.

Since I have about two weeks left until I leave, I'm starting to think about packing and clothes and shoes and how the heck I'm going to fit everything I need into two suitcases...As a self-diagnosed shopaholic I have a ridiculous amount of clothing, all of which I'm very attached to, so this trip will be a lesson in figuring out what a necessity truly is. Classic Sperrys? Necessity. But my really awesome brown shiny Paige pants? Maybe not necessary for survival "down unda."

I'll update you all (you all being my mom, as I'm sure she'll be the only one truly following this) as my trip gets closer and on my adventures once I arrive. Hopefully this blog will be filled with fab pictures of gorgeous landscapes and ridiculous stories about me and my roomies out on the town.