Saturday, November 15, 2014



It pretty much sucks that I'm spending my last few weeks here studying for finals, but I'm three down and one to go! At this point I'm just trynna spend as much time with my friends as possible before people start leaving.

Last week I had two finals, two days in a row. A few of my friends threw a big ol' party on the weekend to celebrate the end of the semester and to get everyone in one place again.
We also went to a really awesome free concert by Portugal. The Man. They're a great band and we even got a picture with them!

Reina's birthday was this week, so a bunch of us went for dinner Tuesday night at an Italian place in the city. Unfortunately I had an exam the day after her birthday so I was locked up all day, but Thursday a few of us attempted to go on a hike to celebrate.
...we got on the wrong bus and ended up in the city. So we took it as a sign and wandered around the botanical gardens instead.

cool giant fig tree

The past few days have been really weird because of the G20 conference in Brisbane. We can't actually get anywhere cool because the buses are running really limited routes at really limited times...and it's also literally 106 the library has been looking ppreeeeeeettttttty good.
Obama spoke at UQ on Saturday, but only like 250 Australian students who live in the dorms got tickets. Needless to say all of us American kids were a little annoyed.
But I watched the live stream from the air conditioned library with popcorn so it's okay. It was actually a really good speech! Even though Tony Abbott removed climate change from the G20 agenda (and generally doesn't seem to believe it's happening), Obama mention the importance of mitigation and adaptation and then said some cool stuff about gay and women's rights. I was impressed.

What else...
I posed as my friends' cat for their holiday card photos...
please note that most of these wine boxes were donated....not consumed...

Normal stuff.
These guys leave Tuesday and it's gonna be weird actually saying goodbye to people! I'm not ready for everyone to start leaving. Especially since I have one more final and it's not until Friday and it really sucks to spend my last week studying. BLECH NO THANKS

anyway, one week till I'm home! I expect to see some of you at Thanksgiving/when you're home for Thanksgiving Break/in the very near future. I'll probably write one last wrap up post once I get over the jet lag back home. But until then, thanks for reading! Australia's been a crazy adventure and I am so unbelievably grateful to have lived here for four months, traveled so much, and made really amazing friends.

See you guys soon!
#keen #cheers #mate

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