Tuesday, July 15, 2014

So Fresh So Clean

Hello! I'm finally coming to you actually from BRISBANE!
I am 100% exhausted. Our travel day turned insane, and it took us a total of 30-some hours to get from LAX to our new house.
Martha, Bridget, and I met up at LAX and boarded our flight to New Zealand. We hadn't booked our tickets together so we were scattered all over the plane. I was next to this adorable and very obviously newly wedded couple, who chatted with me for a good portion of the flight and didn't mind when I actually snorted water out of my nose from laughing at Tina Fey's book (knew it was gonna happen). So we're going to Auckland, la dee da, when all of a sudden...
our destination changed. The little plane moving across the map on the screen in front of me was now going to Fiji, not NZ. Finally the captain tells us the fog is too thick in Auckland, and we'll have to stop in Fiji to refuel before going to meet our original connecting flights. Or, well, not meet them. Because this detour added about three hours to that flight. Which meant we were all sitting in the same place, gettin gross and breathing all the same air, for almost 16 hours.
This flight was also just super weird (in the hilarious almost awesome way). When you went into the dinky little restroom, there was like, Sirius XM's Top 20 on 20 channel playing. Like I had myself a dance party to "Fancy" in the bathroom on this plane. Super random.
Strange things also happened with my little video screen. First of all, it was set up as a little kids screen, and it didn't change for half the flight. Which was okay, because I mean, who doesn't like watching all of the Shrek movies one after the other? But when it finally decided to switch to the regular "for adults" features, it really went all out. Right as Shrek and Fiona were falling in love with their lil green babies, the screen went black, and some awful attempt-at-being-sexy lets-get-it-on music comes on, and a guy sings in an awful tenor 1 that very few people can sing "Let's daaaaaaance naked under palm treeeeees..."
Dead serious. It scared the crap right out of me.
Anyway, when we finally got to Auckland, we had obviously missed our connecting flight to Brisbane. They put us on a flight that didn't leave for another 6 hours and gave us a voucher for "$10 dollars off Duty Free when you spend $99!" So kind of them, really. It took us and all of the other displaced passengers about a year (read: two hours) to get our bags, go through customs, check in to our new flight on another airline, and go back through security.
We then made a phone call that cost SEVEN DOLLARS A MINUTE  to let the university know we were coming in much later than expected and settled in to wait for our plane.
And finally, at like 6pm Brisbane time, WE MADE IT. WE SURVIVED. All any of us wanted to do was shower after way too many hours spent too close to too many people and be so fresh so clean clean (insert Andre 3000 rap here).
Our house is pretty great. Some of the things are kinda janky, and it's dusty, but we can fix that. I lucked out and have a good-sized room to myself with my own bathroom.
So now after a (sort of) good nights sleep, we're setting out to explore the campus and surrounding area today. Tomorrow Martha, Bridget, and I are going out to the Gold Coast for a couple of days! First adventure!
Wish me luck!

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