Sunday, October 26, 2014

club kidz do ~things~

27 days and I'm again starting to realize how different the US and AUS are.

Things I'll have to get used to again in the States
1. Looking to the right before I cross the street. Or is it the left? Ugh, I can't remember, but the likelihood of me getting run over when I get home is quite high because I legitimately don't know which side of the road cars are supposed to drive on. I was watching an American movie the other day and a car drove onto the screen on the right and my friend and I were both like WAIT WHAT THATS WRONG
2. Remembering that pedestrians have right of way in the states, because here they don't. Another situation in which I will think I am about to be run over but I hopefully won't be
3. Counting my runs in miles, not km. The first time I got on the treadmill here I thought I had ran my fastest mile ever and then I was like...wait...
4. "Winter"
5. Living far from campus. I am 100% spoiled living 2 minutes from the best coffee/the 24 library/my 8 am classes.
6. Money is so different! They don't have pennies here, and have $1 and $2 coins instead of bills. So when I buy a coffee in "change" I think oh wow, it's so cheap, because I'm using coins! If I could buy coffee with coins in the States, it'd be the cheapest cup of coffee around!
Also their money is pretty colors. Green bills with old dudes on them? Borrrrrrrring.

Things I'm so excited to get back to
2. My GYM. Aussies have the worst gym etiquette. Dropping weights, grunting unnecessarily, hogging foam rollers and mats...I JUST WANNA LIFT withOUT judgmental stares because girls don't squat here. #amIfratyet #bro
3. Starbucks. Yeah, I know chains suck, but I miss that iced chai like no other
4. "Winter"
5. Cheap clothes, cheap coffee, cheap lunches. Everything here is so much more expensive than at home!
6. My team, my friends, my family, my cat...

This week as been another fairly calm one. Only one more week of class! I've had a few wrap up assignments but other than that I've just been livin and playing frisbee and hangin out with friends!

Friday night Carol, Reina, and I went to see "This is Where I Leave You," the movie with Tina Fey and Jason Bateman about the family who loses their father, and even though they've never been slightly religious, the mother-Jane Fonda-insists that it was Dad's dying wish everyone sit Shiva to mourn him. It had us crying and laughing and cringing and I have decided I'm now in love with Adam if you're out there reading this for some reason, Adam, I'll be stateside in a mere 3 weeks...heh. Hehe.
Also there was a scene in which the super hip rabbi leads a Shabbat service and Reina and were crying laughing and singing along to Hine Ma Tov and it was hilarious.

Saturday was spent lazing on the roof of our pal's apartment building, studying, tanning, and watching Star Wars. We played some soccer that afternoon and basically spring here is amazing and I'm obsessed with all of the Jacaranda trees.

Today a few of us went to Springflare, a color festival inspired by the Indian holiday Holi, and a part of the G20 cultural celebrations. So besides the fact that we got to throw a crap ton of paint powder at each other, we also watched some international dance performances and MELTED because Brisbane spring, while beautiful, is HOT AS HELL.

I'm secretly a French man

It was super fun even though eventually we all just turned brown from a combination of sweat and paint....the bus driver was very hesitant to take us back to UQ.

Next week classes end, the Pink Palace is having a good ol'American Halloween party-no entry without a costume, pumpkin beers, etc.-and I might be heading up to the Sunshine Coast on the weekend! A few last adventures before finals studying truly takes over.


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