Sunday, October 19, 2014

Counting Down

A few things this trip has taught me so far:
1. I'm a very mean person without morning coffee.
2. Frisbee people are awesome all over the world.
3. Wherever you go, there's always someone Jewish (hai Reina).
4. I have to live in California when I grow up.

Basically, skype has stopped functioning, the phone I'm currently using can't handle viber or whatsapp, and I feel so far away from my family and friends and its been a bummer! I miss my everyone at home, and though I will be more than sad to leave my friends here, I've started counting down until I get to go home and hang out with my cat.

Also, I really want my old hair color back. I'm over being blonde-ish.

These past two weeks have been full of (pretending to be) studying, hanging out with my friends, and cooking! I mean yeah, every week is filled with cooking, because your girl has gotta eat, but I made turkey burgers and eggplant lasagne and am back on the overnight oats grind! FOOD FOOD FOOD

Last week we recuperated from spring break with a few movie nights at the Pink Palace. Another night Reina and I went fishing with some friends in the Brisbane River. We wanted to catch a shark.

We didn't.

Me and Reina pretending we know how to fish
I played in a frisbee tournament last weekend! It was a really fun day even though it was like a million degrees. The teams were switched around every game so we were always playing with new people. Definitely not my personal best day of ultimate, but a fun day running around with my friends.
That night a bunch of us frisbee kids went to a birthday party and hung out in NORMAL CLOTHES. Everybody looks 100% different in jeans rather than ultimate shorts and jerseys.

Other than that...Gilmore Girls is on Netflix now, so....

This past weekend we went camping in the Glasshouse Mountains! Glasshouse is an hour or 2 north of Brisbane, just inland from the Sunshine Coast. We boosted it from St Lucia Saturday morning after the boys made us pancakes-screw gender roles amirite ladies-and took the train towards the Middle of Nowhere QLD.
We walked through some neighborhoods and along the roads until we found the trail head.
Da Crew: Reina, Alec, me, Bridget, Max, Carol, and Graham
It wasn't a very long hike, but it was pretty darn steep, and with a bunch of gear on our backs we took plenty of "koala breaks" to try and find the little guys up in the trees/catch our breath. Sadly, we couldn't find any.
Then we got the peak...

We could see the ocean on one side and rolling hills and mountains on the other. And then we spent some time trying to figure out if there was anywhere in the US that could look like this, and decided that while maybe there are similar views, nothing could possibly feel quite the same.

After a while of staring at the view and taking pictures of each other pretending to be pensive and climbing into the crevices the rocks created, we wandered down the slope in front of the rocky peak into a forest of short little trees which looked exactly like manzanita. After doing a bit of research earlier today, I'm not sure manzanita is native or grows wildly in Australia, so either it's an invasive plant that took root in Glasshouse and flourished or it's another strain of manzanita or just another plant altogether. #ecology

We set up camp on the mossy patches in between the trees where no one on the ridge could really see's not exactly legal to camp there. But the boys had done it before, and in my mind, what better place to get arrested for illegal activities than a foreign country? The conservationist part of me kept thinking about what kind of ecosystem we were destroying, but the 20 year old adventurous (HAHAHAHA) part of me was like why the hell not? Because sometimes you have to say yolo unironically and just do the damn thing.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out, throwing frisbees over the trees and trying to catch them before they flew over the cliff (yeah...I make sure to have a frisbee with me everywhere I go these days...), and assuming we wouldn't get caught.
j chillin
da truest homies, of course in a selfie taken by the selfie queen, RayRay

We split up into a few tents and Bridget and I spent the night in ours FREEZING because it decided to rain and become super windy right as we were going to bed. Of course I'm not the kind of person who would have thought to bring a sleeping bag to this country, so I was huddled under a blanket wearing all of the clothes I had brought trying not to wake Bridget up while I shivered. YAY CAMPING
This morning I was the first one up, as I always am thanks to some weird need to have done something productive before 8am, so I hung out watching the rainclouds blow over the mountains in the morning light and all of that good 6am stuff.

Once every one woke up we packed up camp and hiked back down the mountain, smelling and looking about 50 times worse than we had on the way up.
An older woman asked me if we had been camping, and I responded with "Er, no, of course not! We're To hike...far..." (run away run away).

I am so happy we got it together to go camping this weekend, because this is what I came to Australia to do-crazy things out in gorgeous nature.
Also, I have amazing friends. Thanks to the guys for teaching me how to camp not right next to your car (Dad, we've never gone real camping....).

Yeah, remember how at the beginning of this post I was saying I'm counting down the days until I get home? Well, I just looked at that number again...
It's 34.
34 days?!?! Are you kidding me??? I had 134 when I got here! WHERE DID THEY GO???
I'm ready to go home, but not quite ready to leave these amazing views and these great friends.
Can I just take the little bubble of a world I've created in Australia and plop it down right next to San Diego?

34 days. Final stretch yo.
(Literally though, finals start in 2.5 weeks.)

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